Creating a successful team is essential for any organization, but it takes more than just hiring the right people. Building a cohesive and effective team requires careful planning, communication, and leadership. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and strategies for creating a winning team.
3 Vital Strategies to Create a Successful Business Team
Part 2 – The Successful Business Team
What are the problems?
Team problems can have a significant impact on productivity. Team problems can arise in any workplace, and they can have a negative impact on productivity, morale, and overall success. From communication breakdowns to personality clashes, there are a variety of issues that can cause problems within a team. The problems can appear already in the early process of recruiting the right person for the team, then in the integration of the new employee into the team and in the running and managing a team.
However, with the right strategies and solutions, it’s possible to overcome these challenges and improve your team’s performance.
Connecting with each other
Looking at how we as humans, connect with each other automatically, like birds and bees, flocking or swarming together, we too have natural attractions to come together privately or in business. This happens so naturally that we don’t even notice it – it is just part of the fabric of life. It’s just what we do.
Most human beings have no idea that they’re constantly being controlled by energetic forms that they have no conscious access to. Think about when you’re two people sitting in a restaurant, you’re sitting at a table together and you’re having that partnership connection to each other, and you’re enjoying that and you’re connecting with each other. You’re both who you are. You both carry your uniqueness. And in that you have certain connections in the way in which you meet each other. The moment a third person sits down, you stop being individuals and you’re immediately in a group. The conversation changes, what’s important changes, what’s going on changes, everything changes.
Have you ever experienced that? And what does that mean for a business team?
Understanding how you’re affected when you connect with others is a focus of what the BG5® Career and Business System can explain. It is all about the interactions we have in partnership, small teams and large groups and the energy dynamics or mechanics that exist. Learning how to read the dynamics and become aware of them. It can help us understand why some people or teams just click and are productive so we can capture more of that success.
Strategy 2: The Successful Business Team – Bring the skills together
Lack of cooperation, missing or miscommunication, lack of team success, problems in recruiting the fitting people, leadership and management, vision, individual commitment, team culture, … – lots of topics and problems that float around preventing business teams to be successful.
Every human being has a unique skillset and energy. And I do not mean the functional skills like accounting knowledge. There are skills that each person brings to a team on an energetic basis. This is unconscious dynamics that happen, the organizing mechanisms that control how we as humans operate in group settings.
Using the BG5® Career and Business System, there are 12 Business Skills that are necessary to operate as a well-oiled engine and to be a successful business team.
These 12 Business Skills are grouped together into 6 “Energy Flows”:
- Pulling the team together
Business Skills: Culture (the inner life of the group) and Reliability (pulls everybody into the group) - Holding the team together
Business Skills: Commitment (commit to a goal and achieve it) and Coordination (stabilize the Group into a cohesive functioning unit) - The material driving force of the team
Business Skills: Capacity (ability to generate resources that helps the business thrive) and Vision (establish the direction for the business) - How the team markets to clients (internal and/or external)
Business Skills: Implementation (the “sales” of the group) and Public Relations (attract attention) - Planning for the future
Business Skills: Planning (looking forward) and Admninistration (organization of the work) - Overseeing the operations of the team
Business Skills: Accounting (record keeping, “do we have black figures?”) and Oversight (looking over things and checking over them)
In a successful business team all of these skills and attributes are there. And these attributes come from the individual team members.
The attributes indicate who feels comfortable and who feels uncomfortable in this group setting, the level of effectiveness and the flow of energy within the team, the potential struggles and challenges in the team constellation and as well the strengths within the team. This all allows to improve teamwork by engineering the group settings.
So, how can you utilize this information to build a successful business team?
Reveal, understand and use the Individual’s skill
The start of a successful team – a functional unified group or Penta in BG5® terms – is to understand what skillset the individual brings to the team.
By looking at the individual activation within the Penta area represents a personal trait within someone’s design. When the individual enters a group, it morphs into a Skill that can be utilized by the entire transpersonal group energy of the Penta.
For example, if you have the skill of Reliability – when you are in the group EVERYONE becomes more reliable – you don’t necessarily have to “do” anything. You just bring the quality of “Reliability” to the team.
These are innate Skills that others recognize in you. You carry the frequency of these Skills in your aura. Sometimes you may not recognize consciously that you possess these skills– especially if they are unconscious. Just because you have a skill doesn’t necessarily mean you enjoy utilizing that skill or are even good at it. But these Skills are areas that are easy for you to learn and develop. When you are in a Small Group these are the only aspects of your design that are recognized. You have this skill regardless of if you work in a small group or not.
So, by knowing the individual skills of each team member that are relevant to the team dynamics, you can bring this information together.
The Business Team Manager – the Alpha
In any organization, these actions and dynamics are constantly changing as people move about in their day. Understanding what’s happening in real time is like trying to build an airplane in the sky while it’s flying.
It takes an analysis of the people involved to understand the mechanics what’s happening.
A BG5® Analysis begins with looking at the Alpha leader as all energy flows from the top down in any group. Working with the leader, helps them to see their own energy dynamics, their strengths, what is distracting them and how their energy is flowing (or not) through the organization, and who they need to surround themselves with to create a robust working environment. This is where you can start to make changes that positively impact the rest of the group.
Furthermore, it’s helpful for everyone in the group to understand their own unique design and learn how to make decisions that are correct for them and their energy. This builds in healthy work/life boundaries when people learn how to truly listen to and respect their own energy. When they commit their energy to tasks and projects that are truly suited for them, their efforts are easy and not draining, the tasks enliven and rejuvenate them as opposed to burning them out. This is what creates positive energy for the whole organization and makes the work lighter with everyone contributing what they feel best doing.
The ideal (preferred) way of working
While anyone can work alone, in partnership, in a small team, in a large organization for a period of time or for the experience, everyone has their ideal way of working that will pull out their full potential and unique contribution.
Knowing how you are being affected when you are in a Penta (small group 3-5 people) or a larger group (things really change when there are 16 people together) is eye-opening and can help make sense of both past challenging times and times where everything worked great.
Knowing this about yourself makes it easier to be in any group situation while being aware of the dynamics and how they affect you.
When the leader understands how they are affected in each of these situations, they can lead with more awareness pulling out the potential of everyone allowing the organization to thrive and move forward.
Though there is no ‘perfect’ organization that completely matches the theory on paper, you can work with what you have and who is in the team. That can be constantly changing as the organization grows so it is about taking time to get to know the people in your organization to understand their goals and aspirations as well as their natural talents, strengths, and gifts and what distracts them and where in the organization they are most likely to thrive.
“If you understand the forces that are at work, any mechanic you can take advantage of. No matter what it is, if you understand the mechanics of something, you can take advantage of it. If you understand the mechanics of Penta, you can take advantage of it.” ~Ra Uru Hu
Identify the gaps
In a Penta, the smallest building block of any larger group, look for gaps in the energy flow.
- Where is the team wasting their energy because one of the 12 Business Skills necessary for team success is missing?
- Where are the team members trying to do work that isn’t suited to them that is causing them to waste their valuable energy?
By using the BG5® System you get the tools to see the mechanics of what is happening in the team dynamics and allows for adjusting who is doing what so that people are spending their time and energy doing what they love instead of wearing themselves out.
It’s about working with the people of an organization to ensure they are truly connected to their own decision-making strategy and doing what works for each person in the system. There is a level of trust with this system that if everyone is doing what is best for them that the entire system will function most effectively.
Where in the past, this may have seemed selfish and not sacrificing yourself for the sake of the group, this is what is changing at this time. It will no longer work to give up yourself for something you ‘think you should be doing’ to meet someone else’s expectations.
This is about building awareness that these mechanics exist and learning how to make the best of them to everyone’s advantage. Using the awareness of these mechanics can help make a small team function better when everyone knows how each team member is designed to contribute to the team, or not. In a partnership, understanding each other’s design can be the key to the partnership working or not. In a large organization, knowing these mechanics exist can be the difference in the organization growing successfully or not. When we can see the mechanics, we no longer fight against them trying to make something work that just isn’t going to work. We can adapt our strategy to ‘what is’, what exists and work with what is there adjusting, tweaking and letting go of forcing to flow with ‘what is’ for the greatest success.
The focus in Human Design is on the individual understanding who the individual is and while this is also the goal in BG5 in the context of career or business, in BG5, we study further to see how the dynamics of working together impacts each of us.
We are all born into Pentas and surrounded by Pentas, we go to school in them, we work in them – Penta is very much a part of the nature of being. This energetic form of any small group is something that almost smacks of science fiction until you actually see the analysis of how it operates, and only then do you begin to understand how powerful a force this is and can be in our lives.
As you might have seen already in my blog article “Why The Individual Is The New Hero Of Business” there are different types of people with completely different skills. In my article “What Are the Different Types of Information Assimilation?” I describe the different ways how people learn, process and assimilate information into their brain.
Having and utilizing such information can completely change the team dynamics for the better. There are ways to really build a successful business team.
How can we work better together in a team?
- Know and acknowledge everyones’ uniqueness
- Keep everyone informed about what is happening
- Recognize and invite others to share their opinions, skills, ideas
- Asking ‘Yes/No’ questions to get a clear response for the majority of people
- Ask “how are we doing” – what’s working and what isn’t working
- Allow people to reflect over time on what is really important
These are just a few examples and ideas from my side on how to work more successfully with and within a business team.
There are many more aspects to it that would let this article explode.
Now you may think that this is all nonsense. Fine for me.
And yet – what if there is truth in it?
Numerous teams and individuals have become more successful using this methodology.
No one is forcing you. I am just inviting you to read about it – even the Washington Post highlights “Human Design” in their IN-List for 2023 (Perspective | What is in and out in 2023 – Washington Post).
You have nothing to lose and lots to win.