Welcome to a World of Transformation and Fulfillment with Human in the Center Career Design Services!

Discover your unique path to success, happiness, and true potential through the lens of BG5 – a revolutionary system rooted in Human Design. We are here to guide you on an enlightening journey of self-discovery, career alignment, and personal growth.

Step into a realm where your authentic self leads the way, creating a future brimming with purpose and success. Explore our BG5 services and unlock the key to a life and career that resonate with your true essence.

We offer a range of packages to cater to your needs, ensuring that you receive the most value from your  experience.

Our pricing reflects the depth of knowledge and expertise we bring to each session, ensuring that you receive actionable insights that can steer your career and business towards success and fulfillment.

For Individuals

Tier 1 – Self Exploration & Foundation

Tier 2 – Skill Enhancement & Application

Tier 3 – Integration & Growth

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For Teams

Tier 1 – Understand Team Dynamics & individual Energies

Tier 2 – Build Effective Communication & Collaboration

Tier 3 – Strengthen Team Dynamics for Enhanced Productivity

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For Companies

Using Human Design in a business context can offer a unique approach to understanding individuals’ natural tendencies, communication styles, decision-making strategies, and team dynamics. Human Design can provide insights that complement traditional methods and contribute to improved teamwork, communication, and self-awareness.

We provide your company with tailor-made solutions. From individual analyses, business team analyses, career success analyses for managers (manager grooming) and workshops.

Find out more about the possibilities and how you can use it successfully in your company.

Contact us so we can work together to find the best option for your business.