The Importance of Skill Diversity in a Successful Business Team
Publiziert am: Mai 9, 2023

The Importance of Skill Diversity in a Successful Business Team

When it comes to building a successful business team, diversity is key. A team made up of individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, skills, capabilities, and perspectives can bring a range of ideas to the table, leading to more successful outcomes. In this article, I will explore why skill diversity in a business team is crucial for team composition and how it can benefit your organization.

Overview: What Does Skill Diversity Bring to a Team?

Diversity brings a variety of perspectives, experiences, and skills to a team. This can lead to more creative problem-solving, better decision-making, and increased innovation. When team members come from different backgrounds, they bring unique insights and approaches to the table. This can help the team to see problems from different angles and come up with more effective solutions. Additionally, a diverse team can better understand and serve a diverse customer base, leading to increased success for the organization as a whole.

A Different View on Diversity

When now you expect an article on general diversity topics like cultural background, gender, age and so on I must disappoint you. I want to have a look at a successful business team through the lens of the energy flow within a team.

6 Building Blocks for a Successful Business Team

From a BG5™ perspective, a functional business team needs 12 Business Skills to operate as a well-oiled machine and be successful as a group. These 12 Busines Skills form 6 “energy flows” towards success:

  1. Pull team together – the ability to pull a group together into a cohesive and reliable team (the culture, the „internal behaviors“, the inner life of the group, the unity).
  2. Hold team together – the ability to stabilize the group (the group „personality“, the inner group harmony) and to help the group to commit to a common goal (the sense of loyalty, „All for one and one for all“).
  3. Material driving force – the ability to generate resources to help the business thrive (the attitude and the drive „We have what it takes mentality to succeed“) and the ability to establish a direction for the group and the business (gives the business the direction it needs).
  4. Market to clients – the ability to get your product or service out the door into the hands of customers (the Sales) and to attract the necessary attention.
  5. Plan for the future – the ability to move forward successfully into the future through planning, R&D and having the right people doing the right work (Identifying what logically needs to happen to move forward) and to put the plan into action by making sure everyone fills the roles & does the work necessary (the ability to be organized and stay on top of things).
  6. Oversee operations – the ability to know how profitable your business is (Keeping track of the numbers and details to keep you in business) and to oversee the entire operation and make sure everything’s running smoothly (the eyes & ears that oversee clients and employees).

These are in a nutshell the required business skills to make a team successful. Now you may ask „How do I get there“ or „How do I know whether I have all these skills in my business team“?

Meet the Business Team „Dude“ – The Dream Team

The Business Team „Dude“ is the representation of the unique individual skills that form a successful team. It brings the 12 business skills together and shows visually who in the team brings which skills to the table. If all business sills are available, we call it a functional Penta or Unified Group.

The Dude aside is the ideal, all 5 team members bring all the business skills into the team – a Dream Team. I would give any business to them and would just enjoy their working together and their success.

The Business Team „Dude“

A Different Business Team „Dude“

While we see in the above example a „Dream Team“, here is another example, a non-functional team.

As you can see in the picture (highlighted in the red circle) there is no one in the team that has the business skills to hold the group together, to create the bonding and the commitment for the team as a group. Most likely this team will experience already in their day-to-day working together a resistance or difficulties. And as a consequence, this team will eventually fall apart, even though there are lots of diverse business skills in the team.

There are ways to help the situation: a reshuffling of the team members to bring in another person to fill the gaps, highlighting these facts to the team so that they become aware of the gap and that it has nothing to do with the individuals.

The Individual

What might have already become clear is that the individual has an incredibly unique skillset. Not only all the experience that comes from the socialization, schooling, education, work, age and so on. There is unique potential and capabilities within all of us. By understanding the individual design of a human being we can

  • Enable individuals to discover their potential and achieve material success in their career and business environment.
  • Show what it takes to align their design to thrive in the workplace.
  • Help everyone to identify key factors – specifically how to make decisions, work with others, the best work environment, their natural individual information assimilation method and key potentials and shadows.

In my humble opinion, the starting point for a successful business team is the individual. Once the individual knows his traits, he can talk about it, they are authentic. No disguising and pretending anymore, not just fitting in a job description. Isn’t that what every employee wants? Isn’t that what employers want? Motivated, committed employees?

„Side effects“ of a better self-understanding and knowing about our embedded skills:

  • reveal the hidden potential of every individual and enable the success in career and business context for the individual,
  • motivation goes up when I can use my skillset at work,
  • better communication from my side to the team members and vice versa,
  • better understanding of the differences between the individuals,
  • team managers have a new way of working with the individuals and know where their strengths and weaknesses are,
  • utilize the individual potentials and successfully establish functional and performing business teams.
  • the company becomes an employee magnet, in which all business teams work hand in hand and increase the company’s success. Yes, humans want to work in your company. Adieu to the hiring and retention problems.

Changes in the working world

The world around us is changing so dramatically and in so many different ways. I guess everyone is realizing that outdated working methods and patterns must be changed.

There are many different types of personality tests that require you to answer a long series of questions. The answers to these questions are subjective and may be consciously or unconsciously biased depending on the test taker. And there are genetic tests that can only be interpreted by the scientific or medical community – and only in a narrow context. The science of BG5™ has broken free from these two forms. To determine your BG5™ Success Code (leading to the Business Team „Dude“ above), there is only one question that is asked – the date, time and place of your birth.

These 3 facts provide all the necessary attributes to determine your BG5™ Success Code. Some might say: what a nonsense. Fine. And what if there is sense in it?

The empirical data of this method from almost 3 decades proves that it provides objective and accurate information: who you are, both on a conscious and on an unconscious level. This is a revolutionary method. Never before could a person be described and seen so clearly and precisely on these two levels. This method provides a practical tool that you can use every day in your life, in your relationships and in your career.

I am not asking you to believe me. It just simply provides you with a method that I have now so much experience with that I am confident you will benefit from it too.

Revealing of the hidden dormant potential

The path begins with a growing awareness of your body’s sophisticated, heightened intelligence, and a deep trust in this intelligence. This will henceforth be your compass through life. Discover and fully trust in your own abilities to successfully master your life. You were born with your unique skills that are there for you to use them.

Everyone has psychological preferences about how we perceive the world and make decisions, as well as a specific way our genetics work that make each of us unique. The BG5® Success Code is an accurate coding and synthesis of both our conscious (Personality) and unconscious (DNA) levels. It removes the mystery of why certain things in your life work the way they work and why some things don’t work the way you think they should. The Success Code gives clear and objective information about who you are supposed to be.

Contrary to what society has taught us, each of us is meant to be different from everyone else – a unique human being with all of its inherent capabilities, strengths and potential. We can recognize and use these differences for our benefits.

How often have we compared ourselves to someone else? How often as children were we compared to someone else by a parent, teacher or peer? Comparing ourselves to others creates an impression within that it’s not okay to be who we are. When we add that to the conditioning of our early years, we find ourselves trying to change or adapt how we act to suit others, which further distances us from the person we were born to be.

We want to stop that. We want to give every single person the opportunity to be successful in our material world. And all for the benefit of the individual, the team within the company, and the company itself.

Kickstart Your Own Understanding

Since you have read the post until the end, I would invite you to have a look at these other two blog posts

have a look at the BG5 Institute Website ( for additional articles on how this method can help you to achieve personal and/or business success.

Do you know your or your business team(s) skills? Why don’t you start to explore the possibilities with an individual or team analysis using the BG5® Career and Business System?

Let’s create a different working world together.

Let’s discover the potential of every single person and use this potential successfully in the professional business environment.

Let us achieve a win-win situation for employees and companies: motivated employees who can live their strengths and potential and thus increase the effectiveness and efficiency of company processes. Companies become employee magnets and functional, efficient teams increase corporate success.

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